An (F) after the filmtitle in the list means you can watch the film, the (T) means you can read a text excerpt and the (S) indicates that there are english subtexts available. The films are in mp4 format (SD and some in HD 1920x1080) and the site showing the film is written in HTML5.
If you can't see any film or, in some cases, no subtexts, your browser does not support HTML5 and you should update your browser.
You can return to the film list with the back button in your browser or by clicking on the NewSilentFilms-ETT logo in the top right. Filmsize is around 1.028 kbps (SD) or 12.000 kbps (HD).
? opens the help site, best screensize is 1024x768 and the F11 button toggles the fullscreen modus for the film sites. If you click on the Bergen house you ll get back to the home page ;)
If you encounter any difficulties don't hesitate to write an e-mail to ETT.